Thursday, April 4, 2013

Integrated Pest Management Workshop

This hands-on IPM workshop is designed to help vegetable farmers learn about IPM and to see IPM as a sustainable approach to pest control that provides a variety of tactics to prevent, avoid or suppress weeds, insects and crop diseases while protecting human health, the environment, and the profitability of agriculture.
Get ready for the growing season! This workshop will emphasize sustainable and organic approaches to pest control that rely on preventive practices such as biological control, behavioral control, physical, and cultural controls

April 20, 2013
9:15 AM – 2:30 PM
(Lunch included)
Pacific Fire House # 2
7376 Hwy. O Robertsville, MO 63072

Due to the nature of the hands-on activities, registration will be limited to the first 25 people that register. To register, you need to contact Joyce Rainwater at 314-800-4076 or to reserve your spot.

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