Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wally Wise Guy's Wise Words of the Week: Be Prepared for Special Needs in an Emergency

If you or a loved-one has special needs, consider the following emergency preparedness tips:
  • Will you need help to evacuate? Determine who will help you and how you will get to a safe place or shelter. 
  • Make sure you have a method for reaching your emergency contacts. 
  • Locate all usable exits from each room and from your building. Make a habit of knowing where the exits are whenever you are in a new location (such as shopping malls, restaurants, movies and theaters). 
  • Know evacuation plans for all places where you spend time. Every building’s plan is different. Find out if there are floor marshals, and if they are responsible for evacuation plans. Be sure to let them know what special assistance you may need in an emergency. 
  • Have a backup transportation plan in case your usual method is not available. 
  • Practice your plans through regular drills. If you practice drills, you can evacuate with greater ease during a real emergency. 
  • Practice dealing with different conditions and unexpected situations, such as blocked paths or exits. 
  • Do you rely on special means of communication, such as American Sign Language or computers that “speak”? Develop a plan for speaking with emergency workers and other unfamiliar people (for example, writing messages or pointing to words and pictures). 
  • Are you are blind or have low vision? Make sure your support network members practice guiding and directing you. 
  • Include service animals in all drills so they become familiar with exit routes.
For additional information on Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs, visit our Special Needs page.

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