Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The  AgrAbility Project was created to assist people with disabilities employed in agriculture. The project links the Cooperative Extension Service at a land-grant university with a private nonprofit disability service organization to provide practical education and assistance that promotes independence in agricultural production and rural living. The AgrAbility Project assists people involved in production agriculture who work both on small and large operations.

The Missouri AgrAbility project engages Extension educators, disability experts, rural professionals, and volunteers in offering an array of services, including:

- identifying farmers, ranchers, or farmworkers with disabilities and referring them to appropriate resources;
- providing on-site technical assistance on adapting and using farm equipment and tools,
- providing on-site technical assistance on modifying farm operations and buildings;
- providing agriculture-based education to help prevent further injury and disability;
- providing training to help Extension educators and other rural professionals upgrade their skills in assisting farmers, ranchers, farmworkers with diseases, disabilities or disorders; and
- developing or coordinating peer support networks.

Those eligible for Missouri AgrAbility services may have any type of disability – physical, cognitive, or illness-related, for example:
- amputations
- arthritis
- back pain - blindness or vision impairments
- cancer - cardiac problems
- cerebral palsy - deafness or hearing impairments
- diabetes - mental retardation
- multiple sclerosis
- muscular dystrophy
- post polio syndrome - respiratory problems
- spinal cord injury - stroke
- traumatic brain injuries

If you are interested in AgrAbility services (e.g., training, site visit, on-farm assessments, technical assistance, or information about working directly with the farmer, rancher, or farmworker), please contact by telephone at 1.800.995.8503 or e-mail us at address provided below. For a complete listing of the Missouri AgrAbility staff, please jump to the webpage Team.

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