Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the following Missouri farmers who received a North Central SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant.  The announcement for the next call for proposals will come out in late August/early September and will be posted on this blog.

·       Mary Ellen Raymond of Chesterfield, MO was awarded $7,481.90 for the project, “Small Mechanical Harvester for Edamame and Green Bean Production.”

·       Daniel Roth of Brixey, MO was awarded $7,231.00 for the project, “Optimizing Year Round Leek Production in the Ozarks.”

·       Michael Seipel of Callao, MO was awarded $7,496.10 for the project, “Comparison of Annual forages for Grazing Lambs on Previously-Cropped Ground.”

·       Gary Wenig of Rayville, MO was awarded $6,462.00 for the project, “Chickens and Trap Crops – An Integration of Sustainable Approaches to Insect Pest Control in Vegetable Production.”

·       Michael Willis of King City, MO was awarded $4,000.00 for the project, “Evaluating the Roller-Crimper for Cover Crop Control in Corn and Soybeans on Terraced Ground.”


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