Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Seasonal and Simple App is Now Available

I read this article in the University of Missouri Extension Northwest region newsletter, News You Can Use, and thought it might be worth passing along to you as a marketing idea.  If you've got fruits and vegetables for sale and customers may not be familiar with them, open up this new app on your smart phone and show them a number of recipes!  I've already downloaded it on my Ipad. (debi)

The smart phone application for Seasonal and Simple is now available in both IOS and Android versions. The application is FREE to download! It is also available at the following website:

The application is based on the hard copy Seasonal and Simple that is a guide for selecting and using Missouri produce. It describes a variety of vegetables and fruits that are grown locally in Missouri. It includes those that are familiar to all such as apples and broccoli, as well as others like okra and kohlrabi that not everyone knows how to handle. The guide has a chart showing when to expect each item to be in season locally. It also gives nutritional information and explains how to know when the produce is ripe and other things to look for to make a good selection. This MU Extension guide describes how to prepare the fruit or vegetable, including what part(s) are edible and how to store each part.

Like the hard copy and the online version, the app has a variety of serving suggestions and recipes for each vegetable or fruit. They include hot and cold options and a mix of cooking methods. Most recipes are pretty simple to make. You can watch Chef Brook Harlan demonstrate four of the recipes by going to  He also shows the basics of preparing and cooking the foods and talks about how to expand your skills and experiment with recipes and techniques with other vegetables and fruits.

A feature that was added to the application version is a “Find it” option that enables consumers to find farmers’ markets in or near each Missouri county.

To download the app for Android devices, go to and search for “seasonalandsimpe” (all one word). For an iPhone or similar devices, go to the iTunes store and search for “seasonalandsimple” (again, all one word). Paper copies are also available at your local county extension office.

Download Seasonal and Simple for free and take it with you on your phone or other device to your local farmers’ market, produce stand or grocery store and know for sure what the perfect fruit or vegetable look, feel and/or smell should like before you purchase it. Check out the recipes while you are right there and get the other ingredients you will need while you are at it. Then go home and have your fresh produce in a seasonal and simple meal or snack.
(by Janet Hackert, MU Extension Nutrition Specialist)

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