Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Replacement for Virtual Journals?

I notice that the APS Virtual Journals are going away. I was a big fan of the nano virtual journal, since the people who ran it generally did a really nice job of aggregating articles from a large number of journals (APS, AIP, IOP, Nature, Science, PNAS, etc.) on a weekly basis. True, they never did manage to work out a deal to coordinate with the ACS, and they'd made a conscious decision to avoid journals dedicated to nano (e.g., Nature Nano). Still it will be missed.

Now I will show my age. Is there a nice web 2.0 way to replace the virtual journal? In the announcement linked above, they justify the end of these virtual journals by saying that there are new and better tools available for gathering this sort of information. What I'd like to do, I think, is look at the RSS feeds of the tables of contents of a bunch of journals, filter on certain keywords, and aggregate together links to all the articles. Is there a nice way to do this without miss and fuss? Suggestions would be appreciated.


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