Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pricing Resources

Have you been looking for resources on how to price your vegetable and fruit products?  Look no further.  The University of Vermont has put together a nice website with factsheets, webinar recordings and wholesale prices.  They also have created a direct to consumer local foods sale prices from farmers across the state called the Online Direct to Market Pricing Project.  Their goal is to help farmers share information about what they charge at direct markets (farmstands, farmers' markets, etc) for these products, in order to set prices that are fair to consumers while supporting farm profitability.  Each month the pricing report is updated.  Note that prices in that part of the country will be different than those found in Missouri.  For example, a dozen ears of sweet corn in VT as of July 9, 2012 was selling for $9 while at the Columbia Farmers' Market two weeks ago I paid $6 for a dozen.  The average price of beets in VT was selling for an average of $3.15 for one bunch while I paid $3.  At least this information gives you a guideline.

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