Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Grass-Based Dairy: High Value, Low Input Webinar

Attend this free webinar from Natural Good Food Network on Thursday, July 19 - 2:30 - 3:45pm (Central Time).

Livestock production has become a source of intense controversy in the United States. As our food system evolves toward sustainability, management intensive grazing offers a triple bottom line approach to meat and dairy production.

Pasture based dairy offers a low input, environmentally friendly means of producing milk. Moreover, it can provide a sustainable income for family scale farms, economic development opportunities for rural communities, and even yield a product with some uniquely desirable characteristics.

We will begin the webinar with some information about the basics of dairy grazing, its environmental performance, and the growing market for pasture based dairy. Then a replicable case study of a successful grass-based dairy business, will get into some of the practical considerations of transitioning to a managed grazing operation. Finally we will introduce you to the first in the nation Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship program* designed to train beginning and transitioning dairy farmers and help them get established on their own farms.

*The Apprenticeship is an initiative of GrassWorks, Inc. and was developed with grant funding from USDA-NIFA's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.

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