Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Explore New Marketing Channels for Your Farm Products

Trying to decide which markets are right for you, and reluctant to try them all by trial and error? Then this course is for you. It will give you key factors to consider in marketing direct to consumers through farmers markets, CSAs, on-farm markets and internet marketing, as well as sales to local restaurants and grocers. It will also provide questions for you to consider about your farm and yourself as you try to find marketing channels that are right for you.

The course is intended especially for small- and mid-scale farmers who are striving to become more sustainable in their practices. It is most applicable for those who produce horticulture or livestock products.

What You Will Learn
• Some of the key benefits, challenges, and required resources needed for marketing through farmers markets, CSAs, on-farm markets, Internet marketing, and direct sales to restaurants and grocers
• Key farm and personal factors that need to be considered as you decide which marketing channels are right for your farm
• How to analyze this information and apply it to your particular farm
• Other tips for direct marketing

Navigating the Course
There are 7 units in this course, all available by clicking on the left-hand menu. They include:
• Getting Started
• Farmers Markets
• Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs)
• On-Farm Markets
• Internet Marketing
• Restaurants & Grocers
• Marketing Tips

It is recommended that you review the information in Getting Started first. This will help you identify key factors about your farm and yourself that you should consider in your marketing decisions. Be sure to look at the downloadable farm worksheet to help you keep notes.

Then, explore the units on each marketing channel that you are interested in. A list of basic benefits, challenges, required resources and tips for each channel is provided. In the Learn More section in each unit, there are questions for assessing if the market is right for you and further tips from trusted resources. Some units also have audio tips from long-time farmers and marketers.

The last unit has marketing tips on diversification, telling your story, market research, and record keeping.

As you go through the course, reflect on your farm and farming situation. It may be helpful to write some notes and capture those “Aha!” moments.

To access the course, click here.

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