Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stay Safe in a Flood

With the heavy rain and flood advisories over the past week, make sure you know what to do in the event of flooding.

Flooding is the nation's most common natural disaster, and Pennsylvania has the highest flooding rate of any state. Last year, Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee caused severe flooding in Philadelphia, so it's important to know how to stay safe. 

When Inside or Outside During a Flood:

  • Keep a battery-operated AM/FM radio tuned to a local station and follow emergency instructions.
  • If flooding occurs and it is safe to move, go to high ground.
  • If you're caught inside by rising waters, move to a higher floor. Take warm clothing, a flashlight, and portable radio with you. Wait for help. Do NOT try to swim to safety.
  • If it is safe and you need to evacuate, take your Go Bag with you.
  • When outside, remember: floods are deceptive. Try to avoid flooded areas, and do not attempt to walk across flood water more than knee deep.

In a Vehicle During a Flood:

  • Avoid flooded roadways. Parts of the road may already be washed out, and you could become stranded or trapped.
  • Never drive through flooded roadways. Just two feet of moving water can sweep a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) off the road.
  • If your car stalls in a flooded area, abandon it as soon as possible. Floodwater can rise rapidly and sweep a car (and its occupants) away.
For information on flood preparedness, visit the Flood Preparedness page of the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management website.

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