Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Excessive Heat Risk Factors

Excessive heat is the deadliest weather-related hazard in Philadelphia. It can cause health problems,especially for seniors, pregnant woman, infants, and children.

 Be extra careful, if you have any of the following risk factors: 

  • A chronic medical condition
  • Take certain prescription and non-prescription medications (read the labels, and talk to your doctor and pharmacist)
  • Are over 50 or under 5
  • Are obese
  • Have had a previous heat-related illness
  • Have been drinking alcohol
  • Use IV drugs
  • Work in a high heat environment
  • Engage in strenuous physical activity

Be a Buddy
Check elderly friends and neighbors, as well as those with medical conditions, and keep your pets cool. During Excessive Heat Warnings, the Philadelphia Health Commissioner will activate the Heatline at 215-765-9040 to provide heat-related information and assistance.

For more information on staying safe this summer, download the Stay Cool Guide, visit the Excessive Heat page on the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management website and check out the Stay Cool Interactive Map to find public pools, spray grounds and cooling centers near you.

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