Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2012 Ag Census

Are you registered for the 2012 Ag Census?

Make sure your voice is heard! July 1st is the sign-up deadline for farms to voluntarily register. This is very important to get farms included that were not the 2007 survey.

Are you a beginning farmer who is not sure if they are registered to be included in the 2012 Agriculture Census? Make sure your voice is heard this year!

Go to http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/index.php and click on the "Make your voice heard. Sign up" green box.  A farm is defined as any place that produced and sold, or normally would have sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during the Census year.

Why is signing up for the Ag Census so important?  The Ag Census gives the numbers behind the agriculture in our state.  The numbers assist extension ( an other ag agencies) in applying for grants or other types of funding for the different areas of agriculture.  The greater the number, the more funding there is available for certain areas of agriculture.  For example, why is there a cost share of about $700 that farmers can apply for when filling out the application to become certified organic?  The Ag Census numbers showed the dramatic percentage increase of organic farms from one census survey to the next.  Why are their grants for extension to assist beginning farmers?  Because the Ag Census numbers showed the increase in farmers who had 9 years or less experience farming.

Please make sure your farm is included in the 2012 Ag Census! You are a valuable member of the agricultural community - make sure you are included this year.

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