Friday, June 3, 2011

Wally Wise Guy's Wise Words of the Week: Ride Your Bike Safely and Enjoy the Philadelphia International Cycling Championship

With the Philadelphia International Cycling Championship on Sunday, June 5, remember that in Pennsylvania bicycles are considered vehicles with the same responsibilities and rights as automobiles. Follow these simple tips to ride safely:
  • Make sure your bike fits you properly. While straddling the bike, there should be an inch or two between you and the top tube on a road bike and on a mountain bike you want the clearance to be about five inches, so you can dismount on rough terrain.
  • Adjust your seat height so that there is a slight bend in your knee when the pedal is in the down most position.
  • Wear a properly fitted helmet that does not shake and sits on your forehead about two fingers width above your brow.
  • When riding at night, every state requires bikes to have a white front light and a red rear light or reflector.
  • Wear bright color clothing and reflector tape any time of day to ensure motorists can easily see you.
  • Do the A.B.C Quick check before you ride to make sure you have enough air in your tires, your brakes are working properly, your cranks, chain and cassettes run smoothly and your quick release tires are secure. Also, make sure nothing else is loose on your bike.
  • Follow the rules of the road - ride in the same direction as traffic, obey all traffic signs, signals and road markings – this means stopping at stop signs and red lights, yielding to pedestrians, riding in turn lanes when turning and straight lanes when riding straight.
  • Ride Defensively – look before riding out of driveways, always look for turning vehicles or pedestrians in your path, and look behind you and signal before changing lanes.
  • Know the law - it is illegal in Philadelphia for anyone over the age of 12 to ride their bike on the sidewalk. Also, children 12 and under are required to wear a helmet.
  • Avoid Road Hazards – ride around potholes, drain grates, gravel, glass and debris.
  • Be Predictable – help motorist know exactly what you plan to do – signal, make eye contact if possible, and ride without swerving.
  • Stay to the right and pass other cyclists on the left using an audible signal.

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