Friday, June 10, 2011

New Site Opens Door to Sustainable Agriculture Grants and Information

Grant information, videos, books, online courses, profiles of cutting-edge, on-farm research and much more--it's all available with a click of your mouse at the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program's (SARE) new websites.

Visit any of SARE's redesigned national or regional sites and navigate seamlessly between them to find a wealth of information about where America's farmers, ranchers and ag professionals live and work. A state-of-the-art search function makes it easier than ever to find grant information and dig deep into SARE's library of educational materials, database of research projects and calendar of sustainable ag events in communities across the country.

And all sites are mobile-device friendly and offer a bare-bones mirror site for people with slow internet connections. You can share SARE, too, with RSS, Facebook, Twitter and other share functions.

SARE Nationwide:
Visit this go-to site for SARE-wide information or seamlessly navigate to regional sites. Stop at the Learning Center for free downloads of SARE books, bulletins, fact sheets, videos, online courses and a host of other information products searchable by topic or type.

North Central SARE: For those who live in the Missouri visit the North Central SARE site for grant information specific to America's central states. Or read the latest North Central SARE news and research in the region or in each state.

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