Monday, June 27, 2011

Berry and Grape Production Workshop

There is still room available for a number of beginning farmers to sign up for the Berry and Grape Production Workshop.  Below is the agenda for the day.  To register, fill out the registration form and mail to Sharon Naylor, 204 Gentry Hall, Columbia, MO 65211.  If you have any questions, email Sharon Naylor or call at 573-882-3776.
Blackberries ripening

A Beginning Farmer Workshop

July 12, 2011

Higginsville, MO Lafayette County Extension Center
9:00 am – Welcome to the Workshop – Debi Kelly, Missouri Beginning Farmers Program, University of Missouri

9:10 am – Introductions of participants

9:20 am – Introduction to Berry Crop Production – Marlin Bates, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

10:20 am – Getting Started with Strawberry Production – Tim Baker, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

10:50 am – Break

11:05 am – Getting Started with Blueberry Production – Tim Baker, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

11:35 am – Bramble Production – What You Need to Know to Start – Jim Pierce, Farm Outreach Worker, Innovative Small Farm Outreach Program, Lincoln University

Buckets of picked grapes
11:55 am – The Low Down on Grape Production – Marlin Bates, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

12:15 pm – Lunch

1:00 pm – Post-Harvest Handling – The Key to Good Berries and Grapes – Tim Baker, Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

1:45 pm – Making Money from Berries and Grapes – Whitney Wiegel, Agribusiness Management Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

2:30 pm – Wrap-Up/Evaluation – Mary Hendrickson, Missouri Beginning Farmers Program, University of Missouri

2:50 pm – Introduction to the Tours – Katie Nixon, Small Farm Specialist, Innovative Small Farm Outreach Program, Lincoln University

3:05 pm – Depart Extension Office for Tours
Tour 1: Wood Mood Farms – Direct market Berry Producer, Higginsville
Tour 2: Buckeye Acres – CSA and U-Pick Operation between Higginsville and Warrensburg

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