Friday, June 17, 2011

A Workshop on Berry and Grape Production

July 12, 2011 Registration starts 8:45 am

Program: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Lafayette County Extension Center, 14 East 19th Street, Higginsville, MO
Have you ever considered growing berries or grapes as a way to add income to your farming operation?
These highly marketable crops can provide income and agritourism opportunities for your farm. But how do you do it? Come to this workshop to find out:

 The best berry crops for Missouri

 Optimal siting for berry and grape crops

 Production and marketing strategies to make your crops profitable

 How to manage weeds, pest and diseases in berries and grapes
Workshop Registration: Contact Sharon Naylor at 573-882-3776.  Cost of the workshop is $20 for those who preregister by July 5th and includes educational materials and food. Registration is limited to 30 participants. Walk-ins cost $30 with no food or ma-terials guaranteed. Find registration form at the MO Beginning Farmers Program website.

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