Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wally Wise Guy's Wise Words of the Week: May is Building Safety Month - Make Sure Your Home is Safe

Here are 10 important tips for home disaster safety from the International Code Council: 
  • Develop a family action plan and share with everyone in your family, so you will know where to go if an evacuation is called. Review at least two exit routes from your home or neighborhood to a designated meeting place for your family. Plan ahead for your pets as many shelters will not accept them.
  • Create a disaster supply kit that will allow you to remain in your home after a disaster or for use after evacuating to a safer location. Be sure the necessities in your kit are fresh and restored every six months.  
  • Stay tuned to radio, TV and NOAA Weather Radio for official updates and critical life saving weather information. Remember, reception is usually best if placed near a window.  
  • Flooded roads could have significant damage hidden by floodwaters. Never drive through floodwaters or on flooded roads. Do not attempt to cross a flowing stream. It takes only six inches of fast flowing water to sweep you off your feet and two feet of water to move an SUV-sized vehicle.  
  • If you live in a high wind or hurricane prone area and do not have tested and code approved shutters for protection from windborne debris, temporarily protect your doors and windows by mounting exterior grade, 5/8” plywood and fastening it into place. Visit for detailed instructions on how to use plywood for emergency board up.  
  • Secure lawn furniture and any other loose outdoor items that can become windborne and can cause injury or damage during storms with high winds. Don’t forget trash cans, grills, toys and potted plants.  
  • Consider building or retrofitting to create a tornado safe room in your home. Follow ICC/NSSA 500 or FEMA 320 for detailed construction information and to ensure you achieve the highest level of protection for your family.  
  • Use Surge Protective Devices (SPD) in your home to protect electronic appliances from all but the most severe electrical surges or direct strikes. The devices should be installed to afford the highest level of protection.  
  • In wildfire prone areas, remove fine (dead grass, leaves, etc.) and course fields (dead twigs, branches, etc.) within 30 feet of a building to create a survivable space in case of wildfire. Be sure to remove dry leaf and pine litter from roofs, rain gutters, decks and walkways. 
  • Before a winter storm, insulate all exposed water pipes outside the home. It is important to allow a slow trickle of water to flow during a winter freeze especially if the faucet is on an exterior wall. Remember, wrap and drip your pipes for the ultimate protection in a freeze.
For additional home safety information check out these Building Inspector Safety Tips. Also, visit the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management's website at for information on how you can prepare yourself and your family for emergencies.

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