Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Missouri Beginning Farmers Program Workshops

The Missouri Beginning Farmers Program will be hosting numerous workshops this coming summer and fall. Listed below are the time frames for the workshops.

May 12 - Cover Crops: Managing Healthy Soils Workshop
Location: Bradford Research and Extension Center, 4968 Rangeline Road, Columbia, MO.
Time: 8:30 am to 1pm
Registration: Free. RSVP by May 5th, Catherine Bohnert or call 573-449-3518
Learn about the dynamic soil environment and how cover crops can improve soil health. Then tour fields at Bradford Farm and Jefferson Farm & Gardens where cover crops are incorporated into planting rotations for field crops and vegetables. Topics to be covered include soil microbiology, soil and water conservation, cover crop use in vegetable rotations and cover crop use in field crop production.

June 9-11 - High Tunnel Production and Installation Workshop
Location: Springfield, MO
Registration: $25 for production part of workshop to be held in the evenings (limited to 50 people) and $50 for installation part of workshop to be held during the day (limited to 25 people). RSVP by June 6th, byerspl@missouri.edu or 417-881-8909.

June 22-23 - Beginning Organic Production Systems Workshop
Location: Bradford Research and Extension Center, 4968 Rangeline Road, Columbia, MO.
More info to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

July mid-month - Berry Options and Production Workshop
Location: Kansas City, MO (TBD)
More info to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

August 3 - Direct Marketing Options Workshop
Location: St. Louis, MO (TBD)
More information to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

August 18-19 - Accessing Federal Programs and Conservation Practices Workshop
Location: Columbia, MO (TBD)
More info to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

Oct early in the month - Blueberry Production Workshop
Location: Springfield, MO (TBD)
More info to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

Oct late in the month - Beginning Organic Production Systems Workshop
Location: south of St. Louis, MO (TBD)
More info to come in the June Ag Opportunities newsletter and as an upcoming post on this blog.

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