Friday, May 27, 2011

Getting Started in Organic Farming Workshop

Missouri Beginning Farmer Program Presents:

A Workshop on Getting Started in Organic Farming
June 22-23, 2011 Starts at 11:00 am on 6/22 and ends at 3:00 pm on 6/23
Bradford Research & Extension Center
Columbia, MO

Sponsored by a grant from the USDA Beginning Farmer Program.

Have you considered farming organically but want to know how to manage fertility, control weeds and insects, comply with regulations? Come to this workshop to learn:

 How to manage insects, weeds and diseases in organic production
 Basics of managing soil fertility organically
 The latest on organic regulations, including how to keep good records
 Where to find organic certifiers
 What federal and state resources are available for organic growers

Plus, you’ll get to tour successful organic farms!

Workshop Registration: Contact Kristi Perry at 573-882-0085.
Cost of the workshop is $25 for those who preregister by June 15th which includes educational materials and food. Registration is limited to 30 participants. Walk-ins accepted but cost $30 with no food guaranteed. To find the registration form, click here.

(photos from Chert Hollow Farm)

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