Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wally Wise Guy's Wise Words of the Week: National Volunteer Week - Become a Volunteer

We all have role to play in keeping Philadelphia safe and secure. Take simple steps to be prepared for emergencies, such as getting trained in basic first aid and volunteering to help local emergency responders.

How can you participate?

Volunteer as a member of any of these agencies who are helping Philadelphia’s first responders prepare for emergencies:
  • American Red Cross, Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter 
  • Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 
  • Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society 
  • Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee 
  • Philadelphia Fire Department 
  • Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps 
  • Philadelphia Town Watch Integrated Services 
  • The Salvation Army of Greater Philadelphia 
  • Second Alarmers Association of Philadelphia 
  • Southeastern Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters
Visit the Volunteer page on www.phila.gov/ready for more information and contacts for becoming a volunteer. For more information on getting your community organization involved, contact Philadelphia's Office of Emergency Management at oem@phila.gov.

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