Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wally Wise Guy's Wise Words of the Week: Stay Safe From Carbon Monoxide

Dangerous levels of carbon monoxide – a colorless and odorless gas – can be produced from improperly vented furnaces, plugged or cracked chimneys, water heaters, fireplaces, stoves and tail pipes. The most common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is headache.  Symptoms may also include dizziness, chest pain, nausea and vomiting. High levels of carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness and death.

If You Suspect Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:
  • Leave the building you are in. 
  • Get any victims to fresh air immediately. 
  • Call 9-1-1. 
  • Call your local utility.
Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips:
  • Make sure furnaces, boilers, hot water heaters, and clothes dryers are properly ventilated. 
  • If you have a working fireplace, keep chimneys clean and clear of debris. 
  • Never use your oven to heat your home. 
  • Never operate gas or charcoal barbecue grills, kerosene- or oil-burning heaters in an enclosed space. 
  • Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide alarm. Check and change the batteries often.

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