Monday, March 21, 2011

Online Advertising Now a Strong Choice

According to information just released this week through the Associated Press, the local, network and cable television news, newspapers, radio and magazines all lost audience share last year. The number of people who now get their news online at least three times a week surpassed newspapers for the first time. It's no surprise, then, that newspaper circulation continues to decline.

So what does that mean for farm marketers? How do we get the word out about our businesses in a cost effective manner.

Well, it just so happens that I had already written an article last week about what I see to be the next big farm marketing media strategy that you need to consider - Online Advertising. Click here for full article.

Based on my 2010 fall farm survey, I tallied an interesting trend that 26% of our survey responders are now using online Internet advertising - a 10% increase over 2009. The comments from the users were generally very positive and indicated that they plan to increase their marketing budget this year with online advertising.

The most accessible Internet advertising programs can be found on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, as well as on the popular social network, Facebook.

I certainly can appreciate that this will take time to learn and just another thing to add to your "to do" list. However, as our traditional media sources decline in viewers and listeners, we must make new decisions as to where to spend our limited advertising dollars.

While Online Advertising might not necessarily be for everyone - it is time that you consider this marketing strategy as another tool to add to your marketing plan for 2011
(taken from Eckert AgriMarketing e-updates, 3.17.11)

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