Tuesday, May 7, 2013

National Pet Week: Prepare Your Pets for Emergencies

It’s National Pet Week. Remember to include pets in your household emergency plan. If you must evacuate, bring your pets, too – it’s not safe to leave them behind.

Service animals and pets are allowed in certain shelters. Plan for your pet's safety now, before an emergency. Create a Pet Emergency Kit with the following items:

  • At least a three-day supply of food and water (One gallon of water per pet per day – Three gallons of water per pet)
  • Manual can opener for wet food.
  • Copies of your animal’s health records, registration, license number, microchip number, and proof of vaccinations.
  • Medications for your pet. Or, a list of the medications your pet takes regularly, including the type of medication, dosage, and the condition for which your pet is taking the medication.
  • Contact list of veterinarian and local animal clinics.
  • Animal first-aid kit, including flea and tick treatment.
  • Extra collar, leash and muzzle.
  • Recent photos of your pet for identification.
  • Toys and treats.
  • Litter, litter box and scoop.
  • Plastic bags, paper towels, and cleaning supplies for clean-up.
  • Collapsible carrier and cover sheet.

For more information on how to prepare your pets for emergencies, visit the For Pets page.

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