Wednesday, May 15, 2013

7 Tornado Safety Tips

On May 18, 2011, a minor Tornado hit Northeast Philadelphia damaging several businesses. Would you know what to do in a Tornado?  

Planning and practicing how and where you take shelter is a matter of survival. Be prepared to act quickly with these safety tips:

  • Determine a place where you will take shelter in case of a tornado warning. The basement or the lowest point of your home provides the best protection.
  • If an underground shelter is not available, go to an interior room or hallway without any windows.
  • Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls. Go to the center of the room. Stay away from corners because they attract debris.
  • If you cannot find shelter, lie flat in a ditch or other low-lying area. Do not take cover under an overpass or bridge. 
  • If you are asked to evacuate, grab your Go Bag and leave right away
  • During a tornado watch, stay tuned to local radio and TV stations or a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio for further weather information. Watch the weather and be prepared to take shelter immediately if conditions worsen. (Sign up for ReadyNotifyPA emergency text alerts to receive Tornado Watches and Warnings.)
  • Never touch or go near downed power lines, even if you think they are safe.
For more information on these storms, visit our Windstorm and Tornado page. To learn more about preparedness, visit our Tornado Preparedness page. 

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